Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Maze of Two Confused Dudes about the Solution QR Code

microgaming maze of two confused men in suits
Maze artwork by Mazeratti for Microgaming of two men dressed in suits that are outright confused and dumbfounded with the QR Code that leads to their own maze's solution - One of the guys is scratching his head in confusion, as the other guy with a slightly doffus shaped face and head has is hands on his waist and an expression on his face that shows he is just dumbfounded by whatever that thing is.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Cat Thing Maze

Maze artwork of a cat thing
Maze artwork of a cat thing - Cat thing is a cat that usually lives in the streets and is very scrappy yet healthy, which makes it hard to know if it is a "he" cat or a "she" cat and when you are talking to others about it, you call it an "it"

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Rubik's Maze

Maze artwork by Mazeratti of what appears to be a series of cubes, similar to a Rubik's cube.
maze of cubic like rubik
Cubic Maze of a similar pattern to a Rubik's Cube. | MAZE SOLVED HERE